A downloadable game for Windows

Legend said it couldn’t be done, but bloody hell you were going to try. It’s time to travel across all of Australia, to complete The Great Bunnings Snag Adventure. With 8 stops all around the country, and 8 delicious snags to collect, there is no telling who you will meet on this amazing journey.



W, A, S and D to move around.

Left Click to interact with buttons.

Z to open your stop list, and X to close the list.

Left Shift to go to Bunnings.


The Great Bunnings Snag Adventure was apart of a 12 week long, Game a Week course for university, where we were given a theme, and were tasked with making a game in 1 week. The theme for this game was ‘Australia’, so I made the most Australian thing I could think of. This game was made in the 8th week of the course.

The game is a little buggy, mainly when you try and go to Bunnings, sometimes it doesn’t register you’ve pressed the shift key. Moving slightly or trying to press it again should fix it.

Rated 10/10 by a Bunnings employee.

All the artwork seen in game is made by myself.


The Great Bunnings Snag Adventure.zip 26 MB

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